Flower photography to me is an escape, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my spare time.
Since around 2003 I fell in love with taking photographs. Particularly photographs of flowers. I have tried numerous genres of photography from family portraits to boudoir and glamour photography, through to landscapes and travel and even bird photography!
Whilst I have enjoyed learning these other genres, I’m always drawn back to photographing flowers. When the world slowed down in 2020, it was my flower photography that I went to and I haven’t really deviated since then. I am truly in love with flower photography. It’s a special kind of art form that requires patience, creativity, and a certain eye for beauty. There are endless opportunities for capturing unique images of nature’s most delicate creations. Let me explain why I find flower photography so rewarding.
The Challenge & Creativity of Flower Photography
One of the primary reasons why I love flower photography is that is a challenge. Most people think that it is simple, but to take a compelling photograph of a flower takes some effort and consideration. Some of the challenges are that they move with the wind, they are not also in the most beautiful light and they don’t always grow where they can be photographed without distracting backgrounds and surroundings.
You have to learn how you can control the movement and position of the flower without causing any damage or disruptions to the plant and the areas around the flower. You also must learn about light. How you can introduce it, how you can soften it and how you can position the flower to make the best of the light that is available.
And I haven’t even begun to speak about what angle to photograph the flower from. Some choices are from above, below, side on or a beautiful portrait of the flower with its chin up.
Solving these problems has pushed me to become more creative and use different techniques when shooting flowers than when I’m shooting other subjects.
What do I see?
Colour. The range of colors found in flowers makes them especially beautiful as subjects; each bloom provides a unique opportunity for exploration into color theory and composition.
Emotions. I see more than just a simple flower. I see expressions and relationships. This takes time, it helps me to slow down and enjoy the experience of photographing flowers. You can see their smiles, their frowns, a connection between individual flowers or a family group photograph.
The Subtle Details. When you look at a flower, it can be easy to overlook the subtle details that make them so unique and beautiful. Photographing flowers allows me to capture those details in ways that would otherwise go unnoticed. From the intricate veins on a petal to the tiny hairs along the stem, and the curls and twirls of the petals. There are so many things that make each flower different from the next.
Flower photography has proven to be an endlessly rewarding pursuit for me – one which I highly recommend every photographer explore! Not only does it provide an exciting challenge that encourages creativity, but it also allows for experimentation with light and color, as well as capturing moments that can easily be overlooked without the help of a camera lens. With enough patience and practice, anyone can learn how to capture stunning images of these delicate blooms! If you’re looking for a new way to express your passion for photography, give flower photography a try – you won’t regret it.
Let’s get this creativity started!
Flower Photographer.